All the way from the USA
A couple of weeks ago, the author Rachel Cohn (known for books such as Nick and
Norah's infinite playlist, You know where to find me, and more..) wrote on her
Twitter: "Any Swedish speakers out there? Have a few Swedish editions of Naomi &
Ely and You Know Where to Find Me to give away."
And guess who signed up? Me, of course.
And when I got the answer yes I was so happy! And today, some time later, when I
checked my mailbox I found a package sent all the way from the USA...

This is sooo cool! To get the book from the herself author is cool enough, but then knowing it's
been sent from the USA makes it even cooler...
Thank you so, so much Rachel! I can't wait to read this book! :)
This post is written in english in case Rachel would find her way here. I'd like her to
be able to read this too.
This is the first time I write in english here. I really like the language and it was really
funny to write this post. It was a funny thing to try as well as a challenge.
(Om du som läser detta behöver/vill ha denna text översatt till svenska, så föreslår jag
att du använder Google Translate )
Norah's infinite playlist, You know where to find me, and more..) wrote on her
Twitter: "Any Swedish speakers out there? Have a few Swedish editions of Naomi &
Ely and You Know Where to Find Me to give away."
And guess who signed up? Me, of course.
And when I got the answer yes I was so happy! And today, some time later, when I
checked my mailbox I found a package sent all the way from the USA...

This is sooo cool! To get the book from the herself author is cool enough, but then knowing it's
been sent from the USA makes it even cooler...
Thank you so, so much Rachel! I can't wait to read this book! :)
This post is written in english in case Rachel would find her way here. I'd like her to
be able to read this too.
This is the first time I write in english here. I really like the language and it was really
funny to write this post. It was a funny thing to try as well as a challenge.
(Om du som läser detta behöver/vill ha denna text översatt till svenska, så föreslår jag
att du använder Google Translate )
Postat av: Siis
FAAN, vad coolt, vad handlar boken om? :D
Postat av: Pia
för coolt! :D lova att göra en recension på boken sen? ^^
Postat av: Addikoko
Wow, that's really cool! :O Congratulations!
Postat av: Julia
OMGGG, cooolt :D
Postat av: Gudon
Skitcoolt :D vad handlar boken om?
Postat av: Fanny
Guu vad coolt! Hoppas att boken är bra! :)
Postat av: Frida
ÅHHHH VA ROLIGT!!!! Du är verkligen lyckig lottad! som vanligt! :D
Postat av: Frida
ÅHHHH VA ROLIGT!!!! Du är verkligen lyckig lottad! som vanligt! :D